In year 2000, Lindsey was a freshman in high school with little direction for what she wanted to do in life, then, she sat behind a little boy who had Down syndrome in church. Her heart was captivated throughout the entire church service. In that service, Lindsey says she remembers nothing about the sermon, but walked out knowing that the Lord said "that is what you're going to do for the rest of your life." Lindsey then got involved in several different volunteer organizations throughout the next few years, worked as counselor, full time Assistant Camp Director at camps for children and adults with disabilities, and an Adapted PE teacher. This is, without a doubt, her passion.
In year 2010, Lindsey went on her very first trip overseas and saw disabilities in a completely new way. In that trip and the next several international trips that followed, she discovered another passion she had... photography and videography. Lindsey's goal is to shape the public understanding of people with disabilities by showing the beauty of their worth and dignity through her photography and work.
Lindsey recently moved to San Diego with her husband, Nick, their son, Ace, and their two dogs, Bernie and Winston. In her free time, she enjoys getting outdoors by being active and enjoying the San Diego weather. In 2016, Lindsey completed an IRONMAN Triathlon, and currently enjoys doing CrossFit.